(UroToday.com) Molecular classifiers for localized prostate cancer such as Decipher® lack prospective randomized controlled data evaluating their clinical utility. The Decipher classifier may be applied to prostate tumor tissue to help predict which patients undergoing prostatectomy may benefit the most from post-operative radiotherapy. To evaluate this, the G-MINOR study enrolled patients with pT3+ and/or surgical margin positive disease at the time of prostatectomy who had a subsequent PSA drop to less than 0.1. Patients were randomized to a genomic testing arm or control arm, and treatment decisions were left to the patient and provider (not mandated by trial). Decipher results were obtained on all patients, but only 1 arm of the study received this information. All patients were also counseled on their CAPRA-S score. The endpoint of this study was to determine how Decipher results impact clinical decision making for adjuvant radiotherapy versus surveillance. The study schema is shown below.