Mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy for the management of renal stones over 2 cm: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy (sPCNL) is recommended for renal stones over 2cm. Mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mPCNL) has also emerged as a promising technique in this setting. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the safety and efficacy of sPCNL to mPCNL for the management of renal stones over 2cm.

Analysis of the relationship between sexual satisfaction, erectile dysfunction, and penile vascular parameters in a cohort of patients.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the second sexual dysfunction affecting men. Penile duplex ultrasound (PDU) with intracavernous injection of a vasoactive agent as alprostadil or papaverine, may play an important role in differentiating psychogenic from vasculogenic ED (arterial or venooclusive) and may also have an important role in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events.