Surgery and stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) are commonly utilised in the setting of oligometastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with the potential for durable remission in select patients. A majority will, however, progress at other sites and ultimately require systemic therapy. Single-agent immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy had shown promising activity in the second line (Checkmate 025)1 and treatment naïve setting (Keynote-427)2 and pre-clinical studies pointed to potential synergism with SABR.3 In this context, the single-arm RAPPORT clinical trial was designed to test the safety and efficacy of total metastatic ablation with SABR, followed by an abridged 6-month course of pembrolizumab in patients with oligometastatic (1- 5 lesions) clear cell RCC.4,5