The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility and outcomes of pediatric urological laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) surgery.

We retrospectively collected charts of all patients who underwent LESS procedures in our department from January 2013 to December 2016. Data included demographic characteristics, type of procedures, intraoperative details, hospital stay, and complications. The umbilicus was used as the surgical site in all cases. All procedures were performed with a homemade glove port and standard straight 3- or 5-mm laparoscopic instruments.

Seventy-three patients (55 males, 18 females) were identifed. Procedures included 46 orchidop-exies, 21 pyeloplasties, 8 varicocelectomies, 3 nephrecto-mies, 3 nephroureterectomies, 3 orchiectomies, and 1 renal hydatid cyst treatment. Median operative time for the entire cohort was 47 min (range 26-156 min). There was no signifcant intraoperative blood loss. No conversion to conventional laparoscopy or open surgery was needed. All patients required paracetamol postoperatively. The mean follow-up was 18 months. Two patients had testicular atrophy after a Fowler-Stephens procedure and 1 patient had testicular reascension. Cosmetic results were excellent. Forty-five (62.5%) patients were discharged on the day of surgery.

Our study demonstrated that LESS surgery using our glove port technique and conventional laparoscopic instruments is a feasible and safe technique for the surgical management of various pediatric urological conditions.

Current urology. 2019 May 10 [Epub]

Mohamed Zouari, Mahdi Ben Dhaou, Saloua Ammar, Mohamed Jallouli, Riadh Mhiri

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Hedi Chaker Hospital, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia.