The EAU is a strong and diverse community and we can learn from each other so that we can make the best decisions for our patients in this challenging time. While many of our colleagues and members are working on the front line to respond to the pandemic, the EAU is working to provide easy access to the most up-to-date information on COVID19 and urological treatment and care.

European Urology

There are already resources available from the urological community on preparedness and prevention, and resilience and response to COVID19, focusing on urology and cancer patients at risk from the coronavirus. Our journal, European Urology, has collected all recently accepted papers on COVID-19 in this resource centre:

Guidelines Office Rapid Reaction Group (GORRG)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Guidelines Office has been working in cooperation with the Executive Committee, the Section offices and others to set up a Rapid Reaction Group (GORRG). Composed of highly-experienced and respected Board and Panel members, GORRG aims to provide rapid guidance, underpinned by the best knowledge available, on adapting EAU Guidelines recommendations to the current situation.

Robotic Guidelines

The EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) has compiled some guidelines on how to deal with robotic surgery during COVID-19 Pandemic. Due to time constraints, a rigorous review process has not been possible. These guidelines are the results of the scientific evidence present and are to be seen as a consensus of taking into account that all should be done to safeguard healthcare workers and optimal treatment for the patients.

EAU Patient Information

What is COVID-19, and what happens when you get sick? How can you protect yourself? EAU Patient Information has put informative animated videos online with clear information about COVID-19 dedicated to patients.

The videos are available in English, German, French, Italian, Turkish and Dutch. More to come. Watch an example below.



More to come…

We are currently developing new online educational materials on COVID19,  which will be made available as soon as possible over the coming weeks.

More information on COVID19

The post Update: COVID19 Resources for Urologists appeared first on Uroweb.

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