(UroToday.com) The field of advanced prostate cancer has rapidly progressed over the past 15 years. Prior to the publication of TAX-327, there were no proven life-prolonging therapies for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Since that time, there have been many new agents that have proven survival benefits including taxane-based chemotherapy, agents targeting the androgen axis, and bone-targeting agents. Most recently, combining advances in targeted imaging with therapeutic intervention, the field of theranostics has begun to flourish in prostate cancer. The TheraP trial was designed to assess the role of LuPSMA, compared to cabazitaxel, in men who had progressed following treatment with docetaxel of mCRPC. A previous report demonstrated improved PSA response rates among those treated with LuPSMA (PSA reduction ≥50% of 66% vs. 37%).